Chapter 4: Optimal Stopping#


Firm valuation with exit option.


using QuantEcon, LinearAlgebra

"Creates an instance of the firm exit model."
function create_exit_model(;
        n=200,                  # productivity grid size
        ρ=0.95, μ=0.1, ν=0.1,   # persistence, mean and volatility
        β=0.98, s=100.0         # discount factor and scrap value
    mc = tauchen(n, ρ, ν, μ)
    z_vals, Q = mc.state_values, mc.p
    return (; n, z_vals, Q, β, s)

"Compute value of firm without exit option."
function no_exit_value(model)
    (; n, z_vals, Q, β, s) = model
    return (I - β * Q) \ z_vals

" The Bellman operator Tv = max{s, π + β Q v}."
function T(v, model)
    (; n, z_vals, Q, β, s) = model
    h = z_vals .+ β * Q * v
    return max.(s, h)

" Get a v-greedy policy."
function get_greedy(v, model)
    (; n, z_vals, Q, β, s) = model
    σ = s .>= z_vals .+ β * Q * v
    return σ

"Solve by VFI."
function vfi(model) 
    v_init = no_exit_value(model)
    v_star = successive_approx(v -> T(v, model), v_init)
    σ_star = get_greedy(v_star, model)
    return v_star, σ_star

# Plots

using PyPlot
using LaTeXStrings
PyPlot.matplotlib[:rc]("text", usetex=true) # allow tex rendering

function plot_val(; savefig=false, 

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(9, 5.2))

    model = create_exit_model()
    (; n, z_vals, Q, β, s) = model

    v_star, σ_star = vfi(model)
    h = z_vals + β * Q * v_star

    ax.plot(z_vals, h, "-", lw=3, alpha=0.6, label=L"h^*")
    ax.plot(z_vals, s * ones(n), "-", lw=3, alpha=0.6, label=L"s")
    ax.plot(z_vals, v_star, "k--", lw=1.5, alpha=0.8, label=L"v^*")

    ax.legend(frameon=false, fontsize=fontsize)
    ax.set_xlabel(L"z", fontsize=fontsize)

    if savefig

function plot_comparison(; savefig=false, 

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(9, 5.2))

    model = create_exit_model()
    (; n, z_vals, Q, β, s) = model

    v_star, σ_star = vfi(model)
    w = no_exit_value(model)

    ax.plot(z_vals, v_star, "k-", lw=2, alpha=0.6, label=L"v^*")
    ax.plot(z_vals, w, lw=2, alpha=0.6, label="no-exit value")

    ax.legend(frameon=false, fontsize=fontsize)
    ax.set_xlabel(L"z", fontsize=fontsize)

    if savefig
plot_comparison (generic function with 1 method)
Completed iteration 25 with error 0.03580715900042719.
Completed iteration 50 with error 0.017225068626785855.
Completed iteration 75 with error 0.0067683556226683095.
Completed iteration 100 with error 0.002642877005854416.
Completed iteration 125 with error 0.001043441654857702.
Completed iteration 150 with error 0.0004139022964579908.
Completed iteration 175 with error 0.00016428959624192885.
Completed iteration 200 with error 6.52164784469278e-5.
Completed iteration 225 with error 2.5888622730008137e-5.
Completed iteration 250 with error 1.027687515886555e-5.
Completed iteration 275 with error 4.079559602132576e-6.
Completed iteration 300 with error 1.6194423437809746e-6.
Terminated successfully in 315 iterations.
Completed iteration 25 with error 0.03580715900042719.
Completed iteration 50 with error 0.017225068626785855.
Completed iteration 75 with error 0.0067683556226683095.
Completed iteration 100 with error 0.002642877005854416.
Completed iteration 125 with error 0.001043441654857702.
Completed iteration 150 with error 0.0004139022964579908.
Completed iteration 175 with error 0.00016428959624192885.
Completed iteration 200 with error 6.52164784469278e-5.
Completed iteration 225 with error 2.5888622730008137e-5.
Completed iteration 250 with error 1.027687515886555e-5.
Completed iteration 275 with error 4.079559602132576e-6.
Completed iteration 300 with error 1.6194423437809746e-6.
Terminated successfully in 315 iterations.


Valuation for finite-horizon American call options in discrete time.


using QuantEcon, LinearAlgebra, IterTools

"Creates an instance of the option model with log S_t = Z_t + W_t."
function create_american_option_model(;
        n=100, μ=10.0,  # Markov state grid size and mean value
        ρ=0.98, ν=0.2,  # persistence and volatility for Markov state
        s=0.3,          # volatility parameter for W_t
        r=0.01,         # interest rate 
        K=10.0, T=200)  # strike price and expiration date
    t_vals = collect(1:T+1)
    mc = tauchen(n, ρ, ν)
    z_vals, Q = mc.state_values .+ μ, mc.p
    w_vals, φ, β = [-s, s], [0.5, 0.5], 1 / (1 + r)
    e(t, i_w, i_z) = (t  T) * (z_vals[i_z] + w_vals[i_w] - K)
    return (; t_vals, z_vals, w_vals, Q, φ, T, β, K, e)

"The continuation value operator."
function C(h, model)
    (; t_vals, z_vals, w_vals, Q, φ, T, β, K, e) = model
    Ch = similar(h)
    z_idx, w_idx = eachindex(z_vals), eachindex(w_vals)
    for (t, i_z) in product(t_vals, z_idx)
        out = 0.0
        for (i_w′, i_z′) in product(w_idx, z_idx)
            t′ = min(t + 1, T + 1)
            out += max(e(t′, i_w′, i_z′), h[t′, i_z′]) * 
                       Q[i_z, i_z′] * φ[i_w′]
        Ch[t, i_z] = β * out
    return Ch

"Compute the continuation value function by successive approx."
function compute_cvf(model) 
    h_init = zeros(length(model.t_vals), length(model.z_vals))
    h_star = successive_approx(h -> C(h, model), h_init)
    return h_star

# Plots

using PyPlot
using LaTeXStrings
PyPlot.matplotlib[:rc]("text", usetex=true) # allow tex rendering

function plot_contours(; savefig=false, 

    model = create_american_option_model()
    (; t_vals, z_vals, w_vals, Q, φ, T, β, K, e) = model
    h_star = compute_cvf(model)

    fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(7, 11))
    z_idx, w_idx = eachindex(z_vals), eachindex(w_vals)
    H = zeros(length(w_vals), length(z_vals))

    for (ax_index, t) in zip(1:3, (1, 195, 199))

        ax = axes[ax_index, 1]

        for (i_w, i_z) in product(w_idx, z_idx)
            H[i_w, i_z] = e(t, i_w, i_z) - h_star[t, i_z]

        cs1 = ax.contourf(w_vals, z_vals, transpose(H), alpha=0.5)
        ctr1 = ax.contour(w_vals, z_vals, transpose(H), levels=[0.0])
        plt.clabel(ctr1, inline=1, fontsize=13)
        plt.colorbar(cs1, ax=ax) #, format="%.6f")

        ax.set_title(L"t=" * "$t", fontsize=fontsize)
        ax.set_xlabel(L"w", fontsize=fontsize)
        ax.set_ylabel(L"z", fontsize=fontsize)


    if savefig

function plot_strike(; savefig=false, 

    model = create_american_option_model()
    (; t_vals, z_vals, w_vals, Q, φ, T, β, K, e) = model
    h_star = compute_cvf(model)

    # Built Markov chains for simulation 
    z_mc = MarkovChain(Q, z_vals)
    P_φ = zeros(length(w_vals), length(w_vals))
    for i in eachindex(w_vals)  # Build IID chain
        P_φ[i, :] = φ
    w_mc = MarkovChain(P_φ, w_vals)

    y_min = minimum(z_vals) + minimum(w_vals)
    y_max = maximum(z_vals) + maximum(w_vals)
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(7, 12))

    for ax in axes

        # Generate price series
        z_draws = simulate_indices(z_mc, T, init=Int(length(z_vals) / 2 - 10))
        w_draws = simulate_indices(w_mc, T)
        s_vals = z_vals[z_draws] + w_vals[w_draws]

        # Find the exercise date, if any.
        exercise_date = T + 1
        for t in 1:T
            if e(t, w_draws[t], z_draws[t])  h_star[w_draws[t], z_draws[t]]
                exercise_date = t

        @assert exercise_date  T "Option not exercised."

        # Plot
        ax.set_ylim(y_min, y_max)
        ax.set_xlim(1, T)
        ax.fill_between(1:T, ones(T) * K, ones(T) * y_max, alpha=0.2)
        ax.plot(1:T, s_vals, label=L"S_t")
        ax.plot((exercise_date,), (s_vals[exercise_date]), "ko")
        ax.vlines((exercise_date,), 0, (s_vals[exercise_date]), ls="--", colors="black")
        ax.legend(loc="upper left", fontsize=fontsize)
        ax.text(-10, 11, "in the money", fontsize=fontsize, rotation=90)
        ax.text(-10, 7.2, "out of the money", fontsize=fontsize, rotation=90)
        ax.text(exercise_date-20, 6, #s_vals[exercise_date]+0.8, 
                "exercise date", fontsize=fontsize)
        ax.set_xticks((1, T))
        ax.set_yticks((y_min, y_max))

    if savefig
plot_strike (generic function with 1 method)
Completed iteration 25 with error 0.006681671219211427.
Completed iteration 50 with error 0.0039970038843408495.
Completed iteration 75 with error 0.002922808660469428.
Completed iteration 100 with error 0.0019603799011774503.
Completed iteration 125 with error 0.0012415595933039647.
Completed iteration 150 with error 0.00077388789719951.
Completed iteration 175 with error 0.000481112768765779.
Completed iteration 200 with error 0.0.
Terminated successfully in 201 iterations.
Completed iteration 25 with error 0.006681671219211427.
Completed iteration 50 with error 0.0039970038843408495.
Completed iteration 75 with error 0.002922808660469428.
Completed iteration 100 with error 0.0019603799011774503.
Completed iteration 125 with error 0.0012415595933039647.
Completed iteration 150 with error 0.00077388789719951.
Completed iteration 175 with error 0.000481112768765779.
Completed iteration 200 with error 0.0.
Terminated successfully in 201 iterations.
AssertionError: Option not exercised.

 [1] plot_strike(; savefig::Bool, fontsize::Int64, figname::String)
   @ Main ./In[5]:130
 [2] top-level scope
   @ In[7]:1