File based Workflows

In many cases it can be convenient to keep stata and python workflows largely independent of each other and use files to transfer data back and forth such as:

  1. Dataset Construction (Python)

  2. Statistical Modelling (Stata)

or vice-versa.


If data needs to be computed regularly due to updates in source files. The python script interface in stata is useful here as it can be used to update data using a python script, saving the update data to a new dta file and then running any regressions in stata.

The support for using a file based workflow is provided by pandas as it has an interface for reading and writing dta files.

Pandas: Reading dta files

The documentation on pd.read_stata() is a good resource.

Let’s fetch the auto dataset provided by stata and save it as a dta file.

sysuse auto
save "auto.dta"

You can view this dataset in the data reader


In stata this dataset consists of the following types:


Data Type




Make and Model






Mileage (mpg)



Repair Record 1978



Headroom (in)



Trunk space (cu. ft.)



Weight (lbs)



Length (in.)



Turn Circle (ft.)



Displacement (cu. in.)



Gear Ratio



Car Type

Where foreign is labelled data represented by 0/1 with labels:

  1. 0 = Domestic

  2. 1 = Foreign

Let us now read this dta file into python using pd.read_stata()

Open a jupyter notebook and then import the data such as:

import pandas as pd
auto = pd.read_stata("auto.dta")

The data types reported by auto.dtypes show that pandas has done a good job of fetching the data faithfully from the stata dta file.


produces the following list:

make              object
price              int16
mpg                int16
rep78            float64
headroom         float32
trunk              int16
weight             int16
length             int16
turn               int16
displacement       int16
gear_ratio       float32
foreign         category
dtype: object

Pandas: Writing dta files


You can also write other data file formats if you have trouble with the dta writer, such as csv, xlsx. However you often loose information in this process and you may need to think about dtypes during this translation process between formats in a similar way as when migrating the raw data via the stata function interface.

You can write to dta file format using pd.DataFrame.to_stata() method associated with pd.DataFrame.

import yfinance as yf
dowjones = yf.Ticker("^DJI")
data = dowjones.history(start="2010-01-01", end="2020-12-31")[['Close', 'Volume']]


It is also possible to write these dta files from within a stata python program such as:

import yfinance as yf
dowjones = yf.Ticker("^DJI")
data = dowjones.history(start="2010-01-01", end="2020-12-31")[['Close', 'Volume']]
use yfinance-dji.dta, clear

or alternatively running a python script

This will save a dta file that can be opened with stata and viewed in the data editor


In python if you run


you will see the index is constructed of Timestamp objects

Timestamp('2009-12-31 00:00:00')

These objects have been transferred for you into stata date variables as tc.

You can now format this data straight away which is convenient as it reduces the amount of translation you need to think about.

format %tcCCYY-NN-DD Date

The data viewer now consists of nicely formatted dates


You may notice the default datetime object has been translated nicely but pandas has used stata tc format (by default) as per the documentation. We can specify td dates using the convert_dates= keyword argument and specifying the column and which datetime conversion to use such as:

data = data.reset_index()
data.to_stata("yfinance-dji2.dta", convert_dates={'Date' : 'td'})

Errors you can come across writing dta files

The pandas object is more general than the stata dta format so there are cases where the data can’t be written to dta format.

Let’s use the following pd.DataFrame to look at this issue:

import pandas as pd
data = {
    'a' : [pd.Series([1,2,3]), pd.Series([4,5,6])],
    'b' : [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]],
    'c' : [1,2],
data = pd.DataFrame(data)

you will get a DataFrame that looks like the following (and associated dtypes)


As you can see the first column consists of pd.Series objects. The pandas DataFrame is capable of storing any python object as elements in a general column dtype=object

To get the first element of column a you can use


which displays the object which is a pd.Series

0    1
1    2
2    3
dtype: int64


In practice, when working with data, this is not very common but I wanted to demonstrate that the pd.DataFrame object is capable of storing complex data types.

If you now try and write this dataframe to disk using the to_stata() method you will get a ValueError as there is no way to store the pd.Series objects in column a int a dta file.


you will get the following Traceback

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-28-43f621af9c2f> in <module>
----> 1 data.to_stata("test.dta")

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/util/ in wrapper(*args, **kwargs)
    212                 else:
    213                     kwargs[new_arg_name] = new_arg_value
--> 214             return func(*args, **kwargs)
    216         return cast(F, wrapper)

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/ in to_stata(self, path, convert_dates, write_index, byteorder, time_stamp, data_label, variable_labels, version, convert_strl)
   1967             kwargs["version"] = version
-> 1969         writer = statawriter(
   1970             path,
   1971             self,

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/ in __init__(self, fname, data, convert_dates, write_index, byteorder, time_stamp, data_label, variable_labels)
   2078         self._own_file = True
   2079         # attach nobs, nvars, data, varlist, typlist
-> 2080         self._prepare_pandas(data)
   2082         if byteorder is None:

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/ in _prepare_pandas(self, data)
   2308         # Verify object arrays are strings and encode to bytes
-> 2309         self._encode_strings()
   2311         self._set_formats_and_types(dtypes)

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/ in _encode_strings(self)
   2337                 if not ((inferred_dtype in ("string", "unicode")) or len(column) == 0):
   2338                     col =
-> 2339                     raise ValueError(
   2340                         f"""\
   2341 Column `{col}` cannot be exported.\n\nOnly string-like object arrays

ValueError: Column `a` cannot be exported.

Only string-like object arrays
containing all strings or a mix of strings and None can be exported.
Object arrays containing only null values are prohibited. Other object
types cannot be exported and must first be converted to one of the
supported types.

If you try exporting column b you would similarly get a ValueError as stata can’t represent lists of numbers.

This is sensible for the domain in which stata operates. For regressions we need to store variables that contains some data such as int, float, str values that stata can directly operate on.


If you try passing datetime objects from pandas that includes time zone information you will get a NotImplementedError as stata.

Generally this type of error indicates that this is not supported.

This could mean that stata might be able to work with time zone data but it hasn’t been implemented in the pandas code – or the target data type can’t support the additional information.

In this case you will need to cast the datetime into a simpler datetime object.